I've told u...

I've told u.....

Don't make a promise if u know it's hard for u to fulfill it......don't make it just to please my heart....

Coz it will just pain me more......

Please,just understand that.....

N.B hanya luahan hati sebentar....btw, above does not relate to my fellow chem eng girls....so,dun worry guys^^ x psl2 nurul-chan call bilik rase risau....hihihi:p


The Spasmodic Scribbler 15 March 2008 at 22:27  

Sesuatuh betul tau kak linda ni..hiks.Jgn sedey2 ye.

Hafsha 17 March 2008 at 04:32  

kenape ni?ade sthing yg sha x tau ke?

Anonymous 17 March 2008 at 05:14  

hehehe...xder pape...jgn risau sume....i'm ok:D sekejap jer moody tu...malu la lak:p