Last Saturday (22th March), i went to Cardiff. All the 1st batch kms gurls were there (except for misah). We formed a netball team called 'kms team'. We really had fun together to have this gathering since our last meet at Sheffield last time^^ Even we played with lots of joys and full with love of friendship=)
It is more merrier when we won 1st place in the netball! =) Last year we won 2nd place in Manchester Game......well,frankly speaking,i were really enjoyed when i played with my kms frens compared when played under Manchester team.....playing with kms is a lotttssss more fun than playing under university^^ hehehe........i think this will be our last game to play together as 'team kms' :( But neva mind.....we can still have some gathering.....maybe this weekend during the ukec career's fair:D

My beloved team :x

Frenship neva end^^

Me and my best mate^^

Wif syidot;p

me and inda........frens since mrsm serting^^
It is more merrier when we won 1st place in the netball! =) Last year we won 2nd place in Manchester Game......well,frankly speaking,i were really enjoyed when i played with my kms frens compared when played under Manchester team.....playing with kms is a lotttssss more fun than playing under university^^ hehehe........i think this will be our last game to play together as 'team kms' :( But neva mind.....we can still have some gathering.....maybe this weekend during the ukec career's fair:D

My beloved team :x

Frenship neva end^^

Me and my best mate^^

Wif syidot;p

me and inda........frens since mrsm serting^^
congratz! best ah tgk batch korang rapat and blh form a good team. ni baru balik dr cardiff ek isnin lepas? enjoy skan akak~~
a'ah...baru blk isnin aritu...penat giler....asyik jalan kaki jer kat cardiff ngan bristol:p
best bile dpt main ngan kengkawan yg dh kenal lama....x penah praktis same2 pun before gi cardiff game....main redah jer masuk game tu...leh menang gak...alhamdulillah^^ hehehe
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