Seronok jer rasenyer bile tgk blk gbr2 mase kecik2 dulu......hepi jer mase jadi budak kecik^^ xyah nak pikir macam2....heheh......

Gbr bersama sepupu and my sister mase kat is first from the right^^
Mase jd budak2 mmg best....terkejar sana sini...panjat pokok rambutan la...mandi sungai la (sampai penat my late grandma searching for us satu kampung!)hehehe....pastu aper lg yer....haaa...siap pegi petik cendawan liar lg:p
now, i am already a big girl^^ dah nak masuk 24years old pun this year.....but rite now i'm still 23 years old u know:D tpp.......xderla rase besar sgt pun...rase cam budak2 gak lg^^ so,skrg pun dah masuk final sem for my course.....pejam celik pejam celik dah nak masuk 4 tahun rupernyer kat uk ni.....insyaAllah bulan 7 ni dah leh grad^^
sem ni rase busy giler.....byk sgt keje nk kene buat....huhuhu...skrg baru rase stress belajar...nanti bile dh keje,x tau lah stress cmner lak nanti=p ku jua manusia biasa....byk gak suka duka yg dilalui sepanjang hampir 4 tahun ni....hanya Allah yg tau.......there are lots of thing about life that i've learn along my studies here...the experiences i gain along my time here is like treasure of life indeed.....xleh nak dicari ganti....
to my chem eng coursemates (u know who u are), jgnla sedey2 yer .....everyone have their own problems...but one thing u guys should know..u guys are not all alone here=) hang on there girls!we all can go through this^^ insyaAllah.....just look on how beautiful ur life is=)
i also would like to say thank you to people that are always beside me during my up and down times^^ my family,'him' (i really appreciate it when u're always there for me^^ ) and my friends.....i love u all!:)

Gbr bersama sepupu and my sister mase kat is first from the right^^
Mase jd budak2 mmg best....terkejar sana sini...panjat pokok rambutan la...mandi sungai la (sampai penat my late grandma searching for us satu kampung!)hehehe....pastu aper lg yer....haaa...siap pegi petik cendawan liar lg:p
now, i am already a big girl^^ dah nak masuk 24years old pun this year.....but rite now i'm still 23 years old u know:D tpp.......xderla rase besar sgt pun...rase cam budak2 gak lg^^ so,skrg pun dah masuk final sem for my course.....pejam celik pejam celik dah nak masuk 4 tahun rupernyer kat uk ni.....insyaAllah bulan 7 ni dah leh grad^^
sem ni rase busy giler.....byk sgt keje nk kene buat....huhuhu...skrg baru rase stress belajar...nanti bile dh keje,x tau lah stress cmner lak nanti=p ku jua manusia biasa....byk gak suka duka yg dilalui sepanjang hampir 4 tahun ni....hanya Allah yg tau.......there are lots of thing about life that i've learn along my studies here...the experiences i gain along my time here is like treasure of life indeed.....xleh nak dicari ganti....
to my chem eng coursemates (u know who u are), jgnla sedey2 yer .....everyone have their own problems...but one thing u guys should know..u guys are not all alone here=) hang on there girls!we all can go through this^^ insyaAllah.....just look on how beautiful ur life is=)
i also would like to say thank you to people that are always beside me during my up and down times^^ my family,'him' (i really appreciate it when u're always there for me^^ ) and my friends.....i love u all!:)
akak kater nk citer pasal "experience" today? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
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