Today i would like to share with u guys one of my fav photo^^

Everytime when i look on this pic,i always laugh's because i think this pic is cute and funny...with its big eyes=) u think so? btw,let me introduce the model in this pic....that is my little cat....i think on that time she is around 5 months old=p
one more thing,did u ol see what she is wearing on her neck?it is actually 'gelang manik'.....but we just put on her neck as rantai....hehehe...
p/s: zatul....thanks....bluetooth dongle akak dh smpi!=)gbr ni dr hp akak la ni....hehe

Everytime when i look on this pic,i always laugh's because i think this pic is cute and funny...with its big eyes=) u think so? btw,let me introduce the model in this pic....that is my little cat....i think on that time she is around 5 months old=p
one more thing,did u ol see what she is wearing on her neck?it is actually 'gelang manik'.....but we just put on her neck as rantai....hehehe...
p/s: zatul....thanks....bluetooth dongle akak dh smpi!=)gbr ni dr hp akak la ni....hehe
sy dh agak dh mesti akak delete post tuh :P
ala main2 je la..jgn la take it to heart sgt..
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