Hoorayyyy!!! dah habis dah exam^^ finally!!! pas abis exam,terus letak beg kat bilik and terus cabut gi town:p tp mula2 gi picadilly station dulu....saje nak posing2 amik gbr.....yerlaa....x lame lg dah nak blk manchester for good:( sayang lak rasenyer nak tinggalkan bumi manchester ni....4 years being here have taught me soooo many things.....i think my views and perspectives has become broader...heheh:p

See.....i am happy here:p

Lepak2 sat kat picadilly garden^^

Ehh....ape yg ramai org ni?

0O0O0O00000.....ader shooting rupernyer:p

Malas nak tgk lame2 shooting tu....byk jln2 tgkap gbr^^

Dah haus....jom starbucks!:p

I loveee frappucino^^ dulu mase winter pun layan gak frappucino ni:p

Owhhh....man utd just won the championleague title yesterday!

See.....i am happy here:p
Lepak2 sat kat picadilly garden^^
Ehh....ape yg ramai org ni?
0O0O0O00000.....ader shooting rupernyer:p
Malas nak tgk lame2 shooting tu....byk jln2 tgkap gbr^^
Dah haus....jom starbucks!:p
I loveee frappucino^^ dulu mase winter pun layan gak frappucino ni:p
Owhhh....man utd just won the championleague title yesterday!
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