This entry i dedicated to one of my best frens...Zalila^^ i've known her since we're in the same class in cbn...but after that we're separated to our own ways....she's studied in mrsm jasin, while me in mrsm serting......then, she went to minnesota while me went to manchester and yeah....still in manchester:p but still, both of us took chemical engineering course!!!yeah!!! Now, she's already in malaysia and works as lecturer......hey,balik nanti nk mintak ko belanja!!:p
Me and zalila..
Hye buddy!
Hepi birthday to you:-> !!!oopss.....its already belated wish
Ok, may u have a blessed birthday this year and may all ur wish come true
Lots of love from manchester
dude..sorry lambat bukak page ko, got problems with internet connection lately. anyway thank you for specifically dedicated this section of your page for me hehehe malu (*_*)
it has been 9 years, isn't? since we were separated from CBN. till then our path diverged. jasin n serting, US n UK. lepas ni ape pulak..hehe
anyway, good luck in everything in manchester. hope ko graduate cpt, balik cpt, kawin cpt, beranak cpt..see ya in malaysia. keep in touch ok!
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